Notes & Combos
Putting this up because there's no Runick Spright list in the last 2 weeks, wake up my Runick Spright enjoyers, we're alive again.
Started the climb with Melffy Spright and Ghoti until I ended up being stuck at Master 3 for like 20 games.
So, I decided to switch it up with Runick Spright and reached Master 1 with it.
With shufflers down to 1 and Tear being less prevalent (at least I didn't meet many), this deck seems playable again.
Stats from M3 to M1
The stats are kinda skewed, a lot of opponents misplayed (so did I though) or had bricky hands.
- Total: 16
- Win/Loss: 12 - 4
- Coinflips won: 9
- Instant scoops by opponents: 2
Opponent's Decks
Before I switched 80% of the matches were Spright/Branded/Tear in that order. I barely saw Floo or Stun decks when I played Spright/Ghoti.
- Tear: 3-0
- Floo: 2-0
- Adam: 1-1
- D-Link: 0-2 (idk how this deck works)
- Spright (Adventurer, no frog): 1-0
- Branded Despia: 1-0
- Synchrons: 1-0
- Runick Stun: 1-0
- True Draco: 1-0
- Orcust pile with 1 Grass: 1-0
- Boarder Stun: 0-1
Take this with a heap of salt, some of it might be sub-par.
- Should cut this down to 40 cards
- I'd cut Amorphage if it wasn't so funny
- Hugin can dump Angler in hand for beavers
- I usually go Sprind > Gigantic > Elf, making Sprind last is really awkward
- Gigantic usual search priority (w/ever you don't have access to)
- #1 Blue/Jet
- #2 Ipiria if no Runick spells in hand
- #3 Carrot/Red if no access to either cause Blue/Jet/Starter negated
- #4 Ipiria if you have one of Carrot/Red
- #5 Remaining Carrot/Red
- Sprind
- Can dump Ipiria + resummon with Elf if you already used Angler or need card draw for Runick spells
- Going 1st
- Endboard is usually: Elf + IP + Red/Carrot + Fountain
- Draw cards until you have Maxx C and resolve it turn 2 to win (I love Maxx C (I hate him))
- Banished cards can reveal the opponents deck, make an appropriate choice for your endboard (e.g. Carrot for Branded, Red for Spright/Adam, blind Carrot usually better)
- Going 2nd
- If you have Lava Golem it should be easy
- without Golem you'll just have to play through their interactions
Extra Deck Notes
- Zeus: Dumb idea in the first place, replace him with Hugin or Dharc
- Mannequin: Cheats out Amorphage Dragon to floodgate ED summons or an extra Red/Carrot if my opponent summons one
- It's kinda bad, rarely could make Elf, IP, Red/Carrot and Cat together
ID: 315-747-501
I tried to find the somewhat usable replays. Might add some better ones later.
- Most replays aren't very helpful
- Had a lot of bricky opponents and big throws on both sides
- Didn't see much Spright/Branded/Tear
- Haven't played this in a while, so I misplay a lot
- If you think a play didn't make sense, I misplayed
- Forgot about Hugin dumping Angler
- Tried out blind Mannequin in some, it's kinda questionable but funny when Amorphage is out