Notes & Combos
I basically copied this list from TopTierGamingYGO (check out his channel; he made an in-depth deck profile and another video showing combos and hand tests with his list), changing a few things here and there to fit the Master Duel format. After playing a lot with this deck, I gotta admit, it’s so fun. The addition of traps allows you to play at a slower pace while being able to create a lot of advantages. The slower pace means Maxx "C" doesn’t hurt you much. At best, your opponent activated an Upstart, while you summon Kitkallos, set 4, and pass.
Heartbeat was a late addition as I got to Master. For some reason, 60% of my matchups in Master were against Stun or Backrow decks, so Heartbeat has been overperforming. But I’d say this and Rise to Full Height are two of the cards that are okay to drop if necessary, since even without Heartbeat this deck performs really well against stun.
Now, about my matchups, they were basically Stun (with some Kashtira floodgate variants), Labrynth, and Snake-Eyes (both pure and with Kashtira). Most of the time, you won’t have much trouble against Lab and Stun. Against Kash, it depends on their opening hand; Shifter/Macro and Fissure still hurt this deck. The good thing is, Kash is extremely bricky, so there's a chance you have enough time to deal with their backrow before they even reach their engine, or the opposite, you have to deal "only" with their engine.
Now, Snake-Eyes is a more difficult matchup. If you go first, then you usually can establish a good enough board to stop them. But, going second is kinda hard. Super Poly and Maxx "C" help, and the Tear engine is quite good going second, so it depends a lot on what your opponent has in their hand during your turn. With some decent luck, you can break their board, but it gets way harder if they have more hand traps to stop you. Now, if they have Fullcombo + Maxx "C", it’s usually GG.