Notes & Combos
Lessons learned from getting to Master 1:
Nadir absolutely saves you going second. It either baits the ash or let's you draw from Garura and get a body for a ritual in Maximus (it's risky sending cards to the graveyard, do so at your own risk~!)
VV has amazing grind game, don't quit early, it's suprising how strong Lo+SG+Barrier is.
I really wanted to cut down to 40 but I couldn't find the space, hand traps are essential in this Meta. I played withotu MAXX C for a while but I won more games with it than without.
Pendulumgraph isn't neccessary, honestly there are time I would rather double Sauravis as it's hard to recyle back to the deck, but Pendulumgraph is stronger into branded as Sauravis is just a body against ritual and fusion decks.
I had a 70% winrate into Tenpai, if you can get Sauravis in hand to summon in their turn via Blessing, you pretty much win as one banish of a special summon means they likely won't have enough bodies to kill you for game.
Floodgates are out there, Anima is essential for the players using Secret Village.